Theoretical Connotation and Historical Significance of Building a New Model of International Relations
Xu Bu
As an essential element of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, building a new model of international relations characterized by mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation is the Chinese solution in response to the changing international balance of power and the deficiencies of the current global governance system, which is highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also urgently needed to address the challenges of globalization as it enters in-depth development. China is ready to work with all global partners to build a new model of international relations and foster a community with a shared future for mankind.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and China's Multilateral Diplomacy in the New Era
Sun Zhuangzhi As a multilateral cooperation mechanism founded and developed in the post-Cold War era, the SCO has great significance to China's multilateral diplomacy and plays a unique role in international and regional governance. Over the years, China has taken an active part in safeguarding multilateralism while engaging in cooperation in various fields within the SCO framework. The development of the SCO has fully embodied the "Chinese wisdom" and "Chinese solutions."
Five Years of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation: Progress, Challenges and Deepening Paths
Ma JieOver the past five years, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation has achieved fruitful results in mechanism building and practical cooperation, but the mechanism is also facing challenges brought about by conflicting interests among regional countries, increased uncertainties in their foreign policies, intensified great-power competition, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It should strengthen top-level design, uphold openness and inclusiveness, and improve the supporting framework, thus generating more momentum to usher in a new Golden Five Years and promote the Lancang-Mekong community of shared future for peace and prosperity.
Borrowing Power: Climate Governance in the Pacific Islands Region
Chen Xiaochen
The Pacific Islands is the region in the world most threatened by climate change.Despite a lack of strength to directly address their serious disagreement with the regional hegemon, these countries have managed to translate external resources into tangible outcomes, thus contributing to regional climate governance. However, this process may be constrained by the shift of focus away from climate change, the region’s integration into the Indo-Pacific strategy, and the strengthening of Australia's control over the Pacific Islands during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EU and US Climate Change Policies: Divergences and Cooperation Prospects
Dong Yifan & Sun Chenghao
As the Biden administration actively rectifies Trump's climate policy, climate cooperation and coordination between the US and the EU is expected to witness significant progress. Although the convergence of transatlantic climate policies will have a positive impact on global climate governance, but with their fundamental dispute over policy orientation left intact, interaction between the two sides can still be plagued by their respective domestic politics and different economic interests.
ASEAN's Perception of and Response to China-US Competition
Yang Yue
In the face of China-US strategic competition, ASEAN, choosing not to take sides and instead upholding its centrality by promoting inclusive and pragmatic regional cooperation, is trying to play a constructive and mediating role between the two major powers. Such a balanced approach is the best solution for ASEAN to enjoy sufficient strategic independence in advancing its own agenda. However, it should also take into account the uncertainties arising from evolving ASEAN policies of China and the US as well as its own inherent challenges.
Japan's Diplomacy toward China from the Perspective of Regionalism
Cai Liang
Amid the challenges of a changing international order and driven by a traditional geopolitical mindset, Japan has proposed its Indo-Pacific vision as a framework for regional order. Japan intends to forge a multi-level security system targeting China, while building a multilateral institutional framework economically for compatible competition with China. China should be aware of Japan's strategic intent while strengthening communication and coordination with Japan to manage the bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect and seeking common ground.