Leaving No One Behind: Reflections on Global Poverty Eradication
Xu Bu
With only ten years left to deliver the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, it is the world's shared responsibility to sustain global development and leave no one behind. Recognizing the urgency of poverty eradication, we could learn from China as it has lifted all rural population out of poverty in 2020. All nations must join the fight against poverty and cooperate in areas of education, food security, gender equality, security, and global governance.
Global Data Governance: Challenges and Responses
Cai Cuihong & Wang Yuanzhi
As data resources become increasingly important in today’s world, data governance is a crucial topic worldwide. However, there are conflicting views on data governance with challenges such as imbalanced data rights and diverging interests between individuals, enterprises, and sovereign states. It is therefore an urgent and central issue for academic and business circles to address these challenges and advance global data governance.
SCO Political Cooperation: Progress, Challenges and Approaches
Deng Hao
Over the past two decades, political cooperation has been the priority of SCO cooperation, playing a decisive role in the formulation of significant SCO policies and leading the organization's development. Amid challenges, the SCO should improve its top-level design from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, and establish common goals based on a shared identity while making cooperation more efficient.
Security Cooperation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Achievements, Challenges and Paths for Further Development
Su Chang & Li Xinwei
Since its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has achieved fruitful security cooperation. In SCO security cooperation, common security challenges are the essential thrust, shared aspirations for stability and development are the driving force, and the leading role of China and Russia is the core support for its upgrading. In the future, SCO member states need a stronger sense of security community and more security cooperation to build an SCO community of security for all.
Economic Cooperation under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Achievements and Prospects
Yan Dexue
The year 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. As an essential foundation for the SCO’s steady development, economic cooperation has played a crucial role in building regional economic ties and achieving shared prosperity, which adds endogenous momentum to regional cooperation and becomes a cooperation model among emerging economies.
30 Years of China-ASEAN Dialogue: Join Hands to Create a Civilization of Cooperation
Zhang Yunling
The past three decades of dialogue and cooperation between China and ASEAN has not only benefited both sides, but more importantly also turned a region congested with hostility, conflicts and confrontation into a friendly, stable, peaceful and thriving place. For the future development of China-ASEAN relations, new thinking, new strategies and new wisdom are needed for new situations, new problems and new goals.
Rebuilding ASEAN Centrality and the Development of China-ASEAN Relations
Zhang Jie
The ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific is the organization's attempt to maintain its unity and centrality in the restructuring of regional order, which has been under challenge due to the US Indo-Pacific strategy and China-US strategic competition. As a gesture of support for ASEAN centrality, China's vision for regional order needs to be aligned with the AOIP, in terms of philosophy, rules and cooperation agenda.