China's Concept of New International Order and the Post-War System
Yao Yao
China's concept of new international order conforms to the trend of the times and addresses public concerns, thereby representing the progressive development of human history. The current international order is not a perfect one, and it needs improving and developing, which requires both respecting tradition and innovation, as well as both construction and deconstruction.
Cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern European Countries in Times of Major Changes
Liu Zuokui
Since the launch of China-CEEC cooperation, China and the CEE countries have made great progress in investment, people-to-people exchanges and mechanism building. Both sides should catch opportunities to enhance public support, promote entrepreneurialism and tackle trade deficits properly, to cope with challenges brought by the EU's intensified intervention, the China-US competition and the reality that the cooperation has stepped into deep water.
Multilateralism and China's UN Diplomacy
Mao Ruipeng
The Chinese concept of multilateralism inherits and develops the fine diplomatic tradition of China. It reflects China's pursuit of international fairness and building a community with a shared future. With the regression of multilateralism, the external environment is tougher for China to promote UN diplomacy, of which the focus should be the discourse system, capacity building and global partnership.
Devolution and Future of United Nations Peacekeeping
He Yin
UN peacekeeping has undergone a marked devolution in the last decade, manifested by situations where security operations have largely replaced political operations and where there is no peace to keep and no chance to withdraw. UN peacekeeping must return to the path of evolution as the devolution deviates from peacekeeping principles and is not in the interests of the UN and most of its member states.
Changes and Prospects of US Policy toward Southeast Asia
Liu Qing
Driven by the Asia-Pacific rebalancing and the Indo-Pacific strategy, the gravity of US global strategy has shifted from Europe and the Middle East to the Indo-Pacific region, with Southeast Asia gaining marked prominence in the framework. While the US continues to put greater weight on the region in its Indo-Pacific strategy, there are various factors that constrain it from achieving its objectives.
Strategic Divergence and Stalemate of Japan-ROK Relations
Wu Huaizhong
The downward spiral of Japan-ROK relations is the result of bilateral contradictions in which strategic divergence as a structural factor has key influence. To repair their ties, the two countries should properly review their respective basic security policies and major regional strategies, as well as their coordination within the alliance system, a process that is bound to be tortuous and difficult.
India's Perception of and Response to China-US Competition
Wu Lin
China-US competition as a systemic factor is profoundly affecting the international geopolitical landscape as well as internal and external policies of various countries. India has taken a relatively moderate, rational, and neutral position, and become more pragmatic and proactive when looking at the influence of China-US competition on itself, but appears utterly unprepared to deal with the turbulence on the geo-economic front.
China-Caribbean Belt and Road Cooperation: Progress, Challenges and Paths for In-Depth Development
Bu Shaohua
The China-Caribbean Belt and Road cooperation has achieved fruitful results, but it also faces challenges such as the dysfunction of top-level design, the lack of resilient economic cooperation, the need to refine the cooperation and the intensifying US interference. Both sides should adhere to building a China-Caribbean community with a shared future, promote sub-regional cooperation, deepen pragmatic cooperation and properly handle extraterritorial disturbances.