Dr. Yao Jinxiang, assistant research fellow at Department for Developing Countries Studies, China Institute of International Studies (CIIS).
Main Research Fields: Middle East Studies, Terrorism Studies, Middle East Policies of Major Countries, Japan and Islamic World Relations.
1. Gold Issues and Thailand's Economic Transition in the Beginning of Pacific War, Journal of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda University), 2018 (35).
2. Delayed Currency Reform and China-Japanese Railway Competition, Journal of the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda University), 2019 (37).
3. A Book Review of “International Institution, Domestic Politics and State Autonomy”, Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University, 2015 (1).
4. The Construction of A New Model of China-US Relationship, China Review, 2015 (6).
5. The Decision-making Process of Japan’s New Security Law, Peking University, Proceedings of the Eighth National Doctoral Forum of International Politics, Peking University, 2015.
6. Currency Order and the Expansion of Japan's Colonial System: A Reexamination of “the Greater East Asia Financial Sphere”, Japan Studies, 2018 (3).
7. Japan's Policy Changes towards DPRK and Its Diplomatic Autonomy since 2018, Contemporary Korea, 2018 (2).
8. What is Japan doing on AI Military Applications,World Affairs,2019 (12).
9. Intelligence Factors in Japan's Diaoyu Dao Strategy, Japan Studies, 2019 (3).
10. China Fights COVID-19 Together with Other Developing Countries: Co-building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, the "China and the World" Report Series, No.6, 2020.
11. Personnel Management System Changes of Japan’s National Universities after the Corporatization Reform, Tsinghua Journal of Education, 2020(2).
12. Japan's Islamic Policy during the Pacific War, Japan Studies, 2020 (3).
1. The Geopolitical Game behind the Scramble for Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, Dazhong Daily, 2020-11-08.
2. Why People Pay more Attention to the Controversy over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam?, Dazhong Daily, 2020-08-21.
3. What Are the Consequences after the UAE-Israel Deal?, Dazhong Daily, 2020-08-16.
4. US-Iran Relations under COVID-19 Pandemic, Dazhong Daily, 2020-04-09.
5. Can Netanyahu Start his Fifth Term?, Dazhong Daily, 2019-09-20.
6. Changes in the Middle East under COVID-19 Pandemic, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University, 2020-04-16.
7. The Development of Iran's Epidemic Situation and its Political Effects, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University, 2020-03-11.
8. Changes of Japanese Society under the COVID-19 Epidemic, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University, 2020-02-26.
9. It is Necessary to Construct an Oriental Perspective in the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II, People’s Daily, 2015-08-26.
10. The New Security Law and Japan’s Domestic Politics, Global Times, 2015-09-22.
11. The Special Relations between Japan and Australia, Global Times, 2015-12-22.
12. Is There a New Approach for Global Security Governance?, Reference News, 2018-08-21.