China International Studies

No.66, September/October 2017

来源:    作者:China International Studies     时间:2017-09-12
  The Kurdish Issue in the Middle East Context
  Dong Manyuan
  The Kurdish issue in the Middle East reflects the complex regional ethnic conflicts. The Kurdish independence movement has grown stronger in recent years and it is now an important factor driving the geopolitical evolution of the Middle East, which has been manipulated by both external and regional powers.
  Global Governance of New Frontiers: China's Perspective
  Yang Jian & Zheng Yingqin
  The new frontiers for global governance serve as a new stage for international competition and cooperation. By playing a successful role in the governance of these new frontiers, China can facilitate the establishing of a community of shared future for all mankind.
  China's Role in Peace and Security Cooperation in the Gulf of Guinea Region
  Li Xinfeng, Zhang Chunyu & Zhang Mengying
  China's participation in peace and security cooperation with the Gulf of Guinea countries boasts sound foundations and has yielded good results. But with the expansion of its interests in the region, China should innovate the concept, give priority to conflict prevention, strengthen its capacity, and get involved in peace and security affairs through multiple channels.
  Trump's Asia-Pacific Policy: Features and Directions
  Liu Qing
  Donald Trump's Asia-Pacific policy has witnessed continuous adjustments with a clear priority assigned to major security threats in the region. Despite explicit interests and clear-cut objectives, the effects of Trump's Asia-Pacific policy remain to be seen under the influence of domestic political polarization, the complicated situation in Asia and the design of the broader US global strategy.
  Germany's Diplomatic Rebalancing and Its Impact on China
  Zhao Ke
  As the European Union is mired in multiple crises, Germany has been rebalancing its diplomatic priority and attempting to maintain a precarious balance between reaping the economic rewards of globalization and simultaneously promoting European integration. This could lead to an adjustment to Germany’s pragmatic China policy, for which China has to make strategic preparations.
  New Trends and Challenges in China-India Relations
  Lin Minwang
  While frequent high-level interactions and policy communication have provided stability in China-India relations, the involvement of third parties and changes in India’s China policy are eroding the steady development of ties. Coping with a more pragmatic and increasingly self-confident India under Prime Minister Modi will be a test of China’s strategic composure and wisdom.
  Belt and Road Initiative in the Gulf Region: Progress and Challenges
  Liu Li & Wang Zesheng
  The Belt and Road Initiative has become the main focus of strategic cooperation between China and the Gulf region. Despite the risks derived from regional turbulence and political rivalry among major powers, there remains room for a turnaround in the situation. China should seize this opportunity to enhance pragmatic cooperation.
  Significance and Security of CPEC: A Pakistani Perspective
  Khuram Iqbal
  The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor aspires to put Pakistan on a new trajectory of high growth through infrastructure development, and the benefits are likely to amplify and spread throughout the region. Success of this project, however, is highly dependent upon Pakistan’s internal security situation and how it manages its relations with India.
  Cyberspace Security: Trends, Conflicts and Strategic Stability
  Xu Longdi
  Cyberspace is increasingly considered of equal strategic importance as land, sea, air and space. The current security trends in cyberspace, featuring technological innovation, cyber threats, great-power competition and militarization, has brought the issue of cyber strategic stability to the fore.