China International Studies

No.64, May/June 2017

来源:    作者:    时间:2017-05-15
  Trump’s “New Vision” and China’s Diplomatic Options 
  Ruan Zongze
  Significant changes in the international arena and the inauguration of Donald Trump as the new US President make the United States the biggest variable affecting China-US relations. Cooperation widens the prospects for bilateral relations while confrontation narrows them. China is by no means a passive respondent and has the responsibility to actively shape the relationship.
  Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics Reflects Trends of the Times
  Liu Jianfei
  Following the trends of the times is the most distinctive feature of China’s major-country diplomacy. Having introduced the concepts of a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and a community of shared future for mankind, China’s diplomacy has attracted attention from and been welcomed by the international community.
  Prospects for China-US Relations under the Trump Administration
  Wu Xinbo
  China-US relations will not be fundamentally changed under the Trump administration but may evolve based on the political philosophy of Trump and his team and overall policy orientation of the US. With more resources, experience and ability than ever in managing its external relations, China should try to achieve mutual adjustment with the United States so they can accommodate each other’s key concerns and refrain from frictions.
  Rethinking Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula
  Yu Shaohua
  The chaotic and turbulent situation on the Korean Peninsula in 2016 brought the issue of denuclearization to a crucial juncture and clearly exposed the structural conflicts behind the problem. The parties involved need to face up squarely to the deep-lying contradictions and create conditions for solving fundamental issues.
  India’s Promotion of BBIN Sub-Regional Cooperation: Aspirations and Challenges
  Wu Zhaoli
   The BBIN Initiative is intended as an important mechanism for India to reshape its regional image and realize regional connectivity and socio-economic development. It reflects India’s multiple strategic aspirations. However, it still faces practical difficulties and challenges.
  Belt and Road Initiative: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
  Atul Bhardwaj
  The Belt and Road Initiative’s alternative transportation routes promise a “community of shared future for mankind,” and has the potential to shake the roots of Western hegemony and change the unipolar Euro-Atlantic world order to a multipolar one. India needs to adopt a more pragmatic approach towards the connectivity opportunities coming up in its neighborhood.
  Trends of International Maritime Politics and China’s Strategic Choices
  Hu Bo
  The new trends of international maritime politics are implicitly changing the world. In the process of moving into the blue waters, China needs to achieve a better balance among multiple missions, such as being aware of its own national conditions, getting familiar with the historical experience of others, and gaining insights into thegeneral trends that are emerging.
  China’s Rise: Historical Inevitability and Realistic Path
  Yu Jun
  CIIS Vice President Xu Jian’sReinvention and Renewal of Civilizations: Period of Strategic Opportunities in a Historical Perspectiveattempts to find a pattern for civilizational revival and a realistic path for China’s rise through forward-looking research and analysis of the strategic opportunities that China will enjoy over the next ten years.